Writing Tips

Blog posts on how to write and market nonfiction books and magazine articles, by Laurie Winslow Sargent:

Writing for Chicken Soup for the Soul

Dilemma of the Multi-Genre Author

Finding Stories in Vintage Family Photos

Starting Small: Writing Your First Magazine Article

One SWEET Magazine Article Writing Assignment

Childcare Trades with a Work-at-Home Friend

Freelance Awakening and Article Sale Dances: Writing for Magazines

How to Avoid Confusing Your Readers

Answering: “What is Paperli” for Authors

Also, at my former Sell Your Nonfiction blog:

Are you curious about how to write magazine articles, find editors, submit properly, and get paid reasonably?

The following links go to a series of articles based on workshops I’ve taught often over the past few decades in writer’s workshops in various U.S. states.

Note: My writing and marketing tips will be posted here from now on. If you don’t want to miss new articles, subscribe to CrossConnectMedia.com (see subscription box, upper right)!

NOTE: If you are a beginning writer, it helps to read these posts sequentially.  If you understand how the industry works before sending manuscripts or queries to editors, this will increase your odds of success!

OVERVIEW: Overview: Magazine Writing Basics with a list of upcoming topics.

1. HOW THE INDUSTRY WORKS: LESSON 1: “Can you help me understand how the industry works, in a nutshell?”

2. PAYMENT FOR WRITERS: LESSON 2: “How do magazines pay writers for articles and stories?”

3. FINDING/CONTACTING EDITORS: LESSON 3: “How do I find market directories that list magazine titles, editor contact information and editorial needs?”

4. UNDERSTANDING MARKET GUIDE TERMINOLOGY: LESSON 4: “Kill fee and SASE: What do writing market guide terms mean for ME?”

5. WHAT EDITORS WANT AND NEED: LESSON 5: “How do I find online writer’s guidelines, to tell me what magazine editors want and need?”

6. GRAMMAR MISTAKES IN QUERIES: LESSON 6: “What’s the fastest way to get an editor to reject my query?”

7.  SELLING PERSONAL EXPERIENCE STORIES: LESSON 7: ““Is my personal experience story publishable?”

8. MEETING EDITORS (PART 1): LESSON 8: “Can writers meet magazine editors in person? Does it help?” Part 1

9. MEETING EDITORS (PART 2): LESSON 9: “How can writers meet editors in person?” Part II: Conference Connections

If you are a writing parent, educator, or child advocate you might also enjoy my parenting blog at ParentChildPlay.com.

Laurie Winslow Sargent is the author of Delight in Your Child's Design and The Power of Parent-Child Play, has contributed stories to a dozen other books, and has had articles in national magazines with 300,000 to one million readers. Radio interviews with Laurie have aired in 48 U.S. states and abroad. Her current nonfiction book in progress is based on 1920s to 1930s expat experiences of an American couple in British Raj India. She is also executor for the original manuscripts of Hayden Howard, award-winning 1960s author.

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